沙棘 – 渾身是寶的超級食物

沙棘的顯赫歷史 | 成吉思汗戰士、太空人都使用沙棘

在古希臘年代,馬是作為交通工具或用來作戰的,縱使馬匹在作戰時受傷或因老弱病殘而不能醫治的,人們也從來不將牠們殺死,一般是將牠們流放到野外,任其自生自滅。曾經有一次,戰士們將70多匹受傷及病弱的戰馬流放到野外,可是過了幾個月,這些老弱的戰馬自己跑回戰營。非常奇怪!每匹馬都變得健壯,身上的毛髮還閃閃發亮。經仔細查究後發現,原來這些馬到了一片沙棘林,就以沙棘的果實及樹葉充飢。漸漸,古希臘人就開始使用沙棘作為療傷甚至治病的藥劑。隨後發展成為止痛藥、胃藥和治療壞血病的藥。古希臘人還賦予沙棘一個很有意義的拉丁名字 – Hippophae rhamnoides L.,意思是「使馬閃閃發光的植物」,這也是沙棘拉丁學名的典故。



  • 沙棘是唯一以一種植物設立全球性國際組織“國際沙棘協會”的天然植物。
  • 中國國家管理機構專為沙棘設立“水利部沙棘開發管理中心”的植物。
  • 沙漠和高寒山區的惡劣環境中能夠生存的植物。
  • 唯一能在有「地球癌症」之稱的砒砂岩地區生長的植物。
  • 西部大開發生態環保價值最高的植物,完全在無污染環境中生長的綠色植物。
  • 在世界各國、國家政府的高度重視和大力支持下,許多科學家積極研究沙棘的開發利用,並把沙棘產品大量用於臨床試驗和治療,並得出了一組驚人的數據:治癒率達83%以上,有效率達95%以上。沙棘更被國際醫藥學家和營養學家譽為人類21 世紀最具發展前途的營養保健及醫藥植物。




Sea Buckthorn – Super Fruit Filled with Treasures

The prominent history of Sea Buckthorn | A fruit eaten by Genghis Khan warriors and astronauts

In the ancient Greek era, horses were commonly ridden as a means of transportation or for battles in war, although oftentimes horses were injured due to combat or were unable to heal as a result of old age or illnesses, they were never killed, instead they were often exiled into the wild, and were left to perish naturally. On one occasion, ancient Greek warriors exiled over 70 injured and ill horses into the wild, however, after a few months, these horses returned to the war camp with a more muscular body appearance, and their fur coat were even shining.   After a meticulous investigation, they discovered that these exiled horses settled in a sea buckthorn forest, and were feeding on sea buckthorn fruits and its leaves. Gradually, the ancient Greeks started using sea buckthorn as a healing remedy for medical treatment.   Soon afterwards, it was developed into a painkiller, an antacid, and even as a remedy that treats scurvy.   The ancient Greeks even derived a very suited Latin name for the fruit – Hippophae rhamnoides L., meaning “The plant that shines the horse”.

Around 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, the conqueror who once unified Europe, Asia and Africa, also permitted imperial physicians to modulate sea buckthorn into a Mongolian medicine for supplementary use as well as medical treatment especially for the Mongol nobles. Although, over the years, Genghis Khan fought in countless battles, he never needed much rest, and even at age 60 he could still bend his back to reload his bow and arrow at ease, this is a result of his long-term use of sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is one of the world’s most ancient plants.   Humans have a long history in the cultivation and utilisation of sea buckthorn, and since the fruit contains over 200 active nutrients, it has attracted world-wide attention. In recent years, advanced technology such as low temperature extraction has allowed the extraction of sea buckthorn to retain more active nutrient components and of higher purity. The list below shows how sea buckthorn is uniquely superior in the nutritional food, nutritional supplement, and medicinal category.

  • Sea buckthorn is the only natural plant to establish a global international organization called the “International Sea Buckthorn Association”
  • China’s National Management Agency set up a “Ministry of Water Resources in Sea Buckthorn Development and Management Center” especially for the plant
  • Sea buckthorn can survive harsh environments such as desert and alpine mountainous climates
  • It is the only plant that can grow in the soft rock region known as “Earth’s cancer”
  • Sea buckthorn is also the most valued and protected plant in the amongst all wildlife.
  • Many scientists have actively studied the development and utilization of sea buckthorn, and even tested many sea buckthorn products on clinical trials and treatments, and have obtained a surprising set of data: the cure rate was over 83%, whereas the effectiveness was over 95%. Thus, sea buckthorn is considered by many international medical scientists and nutritionists as the most promising nutritional and healthcare pharmaceutical plant of the 21st century.

According to history, sea buckthorn originated from the high mountains of Mount Himalayas; 2000 meters above sea level, together with the harsh environment of the desert terrain.   Also, distributed among the high mountains and relatively cold regions of Northern Europe and North America where rainfall levels are minimal and climate temperatures may rise to over forty degrees Celsius during the summer and can drop below minus 30 degrees during winter, however, despite the chaotic environment, production of high quality sea buckthorn still continue. In fact, the soil in these desolated deserts have accumulated rich amounts of active minerals which are exclusively accessible only to the sea buckthorn.   Sea buckthorn is not only extremely resistant to wind and rain, or wet and dry climates, but can also withstand exceedingly high and low temperatures, thus allowing it to grow in harsh environments such as highlands 5000 meters above sea level or even the desert. Due to its strong vitality, sea buckthorn has developed thick roots that aid in absorbing, accumulating and storing large amounts of water and nutrients.

This article is for academic purposes only and should not be construed as a functional claim or referral to any branded product and to the diagnosis and treatment of any disease.


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