薑黃素C3 – 薑黃素中最有效的抗癌成分

薑黃素中最有效的抗癌成分 – 雙去甲氧基薑黃素 (薑黃素C3 / BDMC / Bisdemethoxycurcumin)


  1. 「薑黃素」(C1/ Curcumin)
  2. 「去甲氧基薑黃素」(C2 / DMC/ Demethoxycurcumin)
  3. 「雙去甲氧基薑黃素」(薑黃素C3 / BDMC / Bisdemethoxycurcumin)

簡稱為C1,C2,及 薑黃素C3。



薑黃素C3 / BDMC的比例最少。可是薑黃素C3/ BDMC的抗癌功效卻是最大的。

University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030, USA的醫學報告“Biological activities of curcumin and its analogues

(Congeners) made by man and Mother Nature”及其他相關文獻指出,薑黃素C3/BDMC優於C2與C1的功能綜合如下:

薑黃素C3/BDMC 優於C2/DMCC1的功能

  1. 對抗卵巢癌細胞毒性的功能
    (BDMC is more active than DMC or curcumin for cytotoxicity against ovarian cancer cells)
  1. 最有效的抗癌薑黃素成分
    (BDMC exhibits the strongest demethylation potency and therefore potential anti-cancer action compared to other curcuminoids.)
  1. 對壓抑乳腺癌細胞作用非常明顯(C1薑黃素基本上不具壓抑乳腺癌細胞的功效)
    (BDMC exhibits a significant inhibition of MMP-3 expression in breast cancer cells, whereas curcumin had no effect
  1. 更有效壓抑癌細胞的擴散
    (BDMC have higher antimetastasis potency than curcumin.)
  1. 對抗癌細胞生成及癌細胞變異的功能
    (BDMC was most active when compared with DMC or curcumin for antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity)
  1. 抗腫瘤及抗氧化的功能
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin or DMC for antitumor and antioxidant activity
  1. 壓抑致癌原的功能
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin or DMC for suppression of carcinogenesis)
  1. 有效防止大腸癌的致癌原的生成
    (BDMC prevents DMH induced colon carcinogenesis)
  1. 更有效刺激老人癡呆症腦血管細胞
    (BDMC have the greatest potency for stimulating Alzheimer Disease peripheral blood mononuclear cells compared to all other natural curcuminoids.)
  1. 改善先天性免疫症的能力
    (BDMC improved innate immunity and transcription of MGAT-III and Toll-like receptors in AD pts)
  1. 更有效調節人體抵抗癌症治療藥物藥性的功能
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin for modulation of MDR1 gene)
  1. 更有效保護神經線及血管內皮細胞的功能
    (BDMC was more active than curcumin or DMC in protecting nerve and endothelial cells from beta amyloid-induced oxidative stress)
  1. 減低由尼古丁引起的氧化反應的功能
    (BDMC was more active than curcumin for reducing nicotine-induced oxidative stress)
  1. 更有效對抗因酗酒引起的氧化反應
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin in preventing alcohol and PUFA-induced oxidative stress)
  1. 更有效避免肝毒素的積累(在大鼠實驗)
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin in preventing CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats)
  1. 更有效避免因酗酒或酒精導致膽固醇硬化及其他肝臟問題
    (BDMC is more active than curcumin in preventing alcohol and PUFA-induced cholesterol, TGs, PLs and FFA)
  1. 更有效刺激血紅素加氧酶的生成
    (BDMC is more active than DMC or curcumin in inducing NRF2-mediated induction of heme oxygenase-1
  1. 有效壓抑α – 胰澱粉酶,此酵素為治療二型糖尿病藥物的壓抑對象
    (BDMC acts as an inhibitor to inactivate human pancreatic α-amylase, a therapeutic target for oral hypoglycemic agents in type-2 diabetes.)


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